Dong XiaoXiu

British Council (Singapore) Pre-School

Dong XiaoXiu
10 Jun 2022

SSDB 2022 谢谢前线工作者们!






British Council children have been working on their ‘Start Small Dream Big’ project for the past week. They learned how to appreciate front-line workers in meaningful ways.

Here are some of the class activities that they did in class:

The nursery children made fire truck craft, pretend to be firefighters by putting out the ‘fire’ near our garden using their water guns. They also recycled boxes by turning them into fire trucks and police cars. They role played putting out fire in class and arresting criminals in their cool vehicles.

The kindergarten children watched videos about the daily lives of a firefighter and a police officers and they wrote and drew about what they learnt from the videos.

Our afternoon session children were surprised with a fire truck parked outside our school last week and they were so excited!

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