Lai Hui Min

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Bedok Blk 13 (CC)

Lai Hui Min
29 Aug 2019

“Little Hands Saving Earth” Spreading Awareness

We have learnt so much from this whole journey of Start Small Dream Big. From who’s cleaning our environment to the adverse effects of environment, from how we can show appreciation to the neighbourhood cleaners to what we can do to save the Earth.

No one can do everything but everyone can do something.

And we did that something.

But, is that enough?

We questioned if our parents, families and friends are aware of what is happening to Earth right now. We questioned if they know how to save Earth. So, we decided to let it be known.

We took on the roles of ENVIRONMENT AMBASSADORS and went home with a little card with message. Our task was to spread the message and have families, relatives or friends to join us in keeping our Earth clean. What do they do? Simply throw their litters in the bin. Something everyone can do.

Look at our environment ambassadors at work!

(Thankful for parents who engage their children in completing the task and taking photos of them at work!)

Then we decided, it’s not enough. We wanted to impact our neighbourhood too! So we decided to make posters to paste at our centre’s corridor and around our neighbourhood. In hopes of improving the environment cleanliness of our neighbourhood!

Look at us at work!

We decided to digitalize our work. We outlined and beautify our work on the iPad!

We had them pinned up at our arrival corridors so others can see and be reminded of their actions.

We also sent our works to the Town Council. Hopefully we see them pinned up around the neighbourhood soon!

Read our previous story here

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