Teacher Fira

Picket Fence @ Tampines

Teacher Fira
16 May 2018

SSDB Launch Party : Fashion Show

In line with our theme for ‘Start Small Dream Big 2018’ Project : “Caring for our environment”, we kicked off with a fashion show during our official SSDB

Launch Party on the 25th April 2018.

Instead of throwing their old clothings away, they can actually recycle it by giving it a ‘new look’. Children were shown videos and shared ideas during class on how to redesign their old clothings. We get the parents to be involved as well as they ‘restyled’ and gave a ‘new look’ to their children’s old clothings. Parents took ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos of their children with the clothings on.

After which, the children came to school with their newly designed clothes and parade as they showcase their own creations during the ‘Fashion Show’.

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