Arianne Nokom

Sunflower Kiddy Star Preschool

Arianne Nokom
24 Aug 2019

Conserving Energy to Combat Climate Change

Our Special Agents have been working diligently to learn more about climate change specialising on their “Action G.R.C.”. They have acquired much learning about G-Gardening and R-4R’s from series of lessons and activities conducted. To complete their response to climate change, they had another lesson about “C-conservation”.

In this lesson, children learnt that electricity, electronic devices and water services that are available in almost every home consumed energy and this added humans’ carbon footprint which caused climate change. Children also learnt that there was no electricity and water in many places in olden days hence, lesser carbon footprint was produced as compared to our lifestyle now. Having the awareness of these, children studied how they can lessen their carbon footprint through conserving energy (electricity and water). They involved themselves in discussions and participated by sharing their ideas on how they can practise conservation at home and in school such as switching off unused lights, go outdoors to play instead of watching television program etc.

Children had authentic learning experience participating in a water rationing activity in school. In this activity, the children (N2-K2) brought a bottle of water from home. The school’s water tape was turned off after children’s nap. Children had to wash their hands using their own bottle of water. It was a purposeful activity as the children felt the inconvenience of having no water coming out from the faucets. We observed that many of the children were very conscious and practised conservation with the water they have.

It was a good opportunity to teach the children that they need not use up so much water during hand washing. They learnt to be mindful of their water consumption and think about conservation. It was reinforced that saving water as well as electricity will help to conserve energy, to reduce carbon footprint and to sequester climate change.

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