Apolonio Leanna Carmela Paras

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Kembangan-Chai Chee Blk 116 (DS)

Apolonio Leanna Carmela Paras
1 Sep 2021

Stay Connected, Make a Difference; Recycle Today for a Better Tomorrow

For PCF Sparkletots @ Kembangan Chai Chee Block 116 we believe that we can make something out of the things that we thought we can throw.

For this year’s SSDB, we started the project during our World Water Day Celebration, this year’s theme was for the children to learn how it would be like to live on the daily without clean water and what causes water pollution. Children were exposed to some activities where they were able to see how to stay connected in the environment and how were they able to make a difference about it.

The Toddler and N1 classes had the chance to experience what it was like to be a fish living in polluted water. They sat down for an interactive story telling session where they learnt the different types of pollutant that exists. These included oil spills, plastic pollution and litter that came from human.

The N2, K1 and K2 classes were involved in a water filtration experiment where they had to successfully try to filter the dirty water through nature elements such as sand, pebbles and coffee filters. We had collected recyclable materials in order to reduce carbon footprints and teach the young ones valuable lessons about saving water.

The project continued during our Earth Day Celebration, where they parents were asked to donate some recyclable materials and children turned these recyclable materials into something useful.

The Toddlers and N1 classes turned their egg tray cartons into a decorative tree decoration.

N2s used the plastic bottles into a nice and usable pencil holders.

K1s turned the toilet and kitchen rolls into a pencil holder too!

And K2s used the magazines to showcase their vase.

The children continued to Make a Difference and learnt how to show a sustainable lifestyle. It allowed the children to understand that they too could play their part to save the Earth and have a sustainable lifestyle in their own little ways. We embarked on the journey to use recycle products in our classrooms.

Some examples of the sustainable materials that the children did are:

recycled paper turned into a box

pencil holders from a toilet roll

And even learning centre materials/activities from recycled materials!

Parents were also included in our project as they made their own versions of Learning Centre materials/activities using recycled materials! It’s another way to get the parents involved into their child’s learning and they were able to have a hands-on experiences with their children while doing the project.

Here are some of the examples:

Up to now, children and parents still continue to donate recycled materials in school and we are continuing in utilising the materials. Even in planning activities for our events, such as the recent National Day Celebration. Children played some Carnival Games using some recycled materials or for Arts & Crafts!

This is not the end yet ….

Our school will continue to instill to our children as young as now, that they can all Stay Connected to the environment and soon, they will all be able to Make A Difference!

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