Bishan 114

Star Learners @ Bishan

Bishan 114
31 Jul 2023

Magnificent Recyclables

The N2-K2 children have learned the importance of recycling to reduce the trash in the community. The children were engaged in different activities such as understanding the vocabularies related to recycling, sorting the recyclable materials and deposit to the recycling bin around the neighbourhood and turned the recyclables into magnificent things. The N2 children created a magnificent Eco-brick table using plastic bottles, plastic bags and news papers. The K1 children made a magnificent rainbow house using big boxes and recycled papers. The last but not the least, the K2 children made a magnificent kitchen where they used old boxes, bottle caps, shoe boxes and plastic bottles. To extend what they have learned in school, the children made a plastic pledge with their parents. The pledge is to empower the children and their parents to take part in promoting recycling at home and to the community.

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