Teacher Suraiyah

Al-Muttaqin Mosque Kindergarten

Teacher Suraiyah
13 Aug 2021

Every Drop Counts!

Have you ever wondered why it is safe for us to drink straight from Singapore’s taps?

Our Little Agents had a wonderful time discovering how Singapore’s water went through various treatments to get clean, safe and quality drinking water straight from the tap without any further filtration through a simple water filtration experiment.

In small groups, children arranged the setup for the water filtration experiment. First, they placed cotton wool in the cut plastic 1.5L bottles. This was followed by layers of sand, charcoal, small stones, gravel and lastly, pebbles.

The children poured in soil water slowly into the filters. As the water went through various filters, they observed how the dirty water changed into clearer water. Everyone was in awe. They learnt that different layers filtered different sediments and particles of the soil.

During class discussion, the children linked their observations to the Singapore’s advanced and robust water treatment system.

At the end of the activity, the children understood why Singapore’s water is expensive and precious. The children pledged to conserve water wisely.

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