Carpe Diem Little Green House @ Woodlands 11C

11 Jul 2018

Endanger animals  project to create awareness  for the children

This June was an exciting moment for all students of N2 to K2 as they embark on the journey to learn more about endangered animals and how to save them. Among the animals that were discussed were the elephants, the monkeys and the penguins. 

The students were also introduced to another academic approach or Project Learning which encompass 3 phases. The Project approach allows children and teachers to engage effectively in inquiry base learning. The process allows children to share their prior knowledge which was subsequently built-on as the process continued. Parental involvement was also adopted with parents bringing in some resources and materials that their child(ren) needed. 

During the first phase, all the students contributed their knowledge by sharing what they know about the focused animal. Next, they shared what they want to learn and explored independently through investigations, questions and inquiry sessions about the topic. 

During the process, the students engaged in a lot of literacy activity where they produced lots of descriptive accounts and animal-inspired crafts that was factual of the animal(s). They concluded that

they had learnt the following:

The students had an enriching and experiential learning on the endangered animal. They can verbalize

the importance of saving the animals and shared preventive measures to save the environment that have an impact on the survival of endangered species. 

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