Eugenio Kathrina Cupat

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Ayer Rajah-Gek Poh Blk 748 (CC)

Eugenio Kathrina Cupat
12 Sep 2023

“It Takes A Lot of Blue to Stay Green”

K1’s and K2’s have embarked our SSDB journey through reading the adventures of our water heroes ; Water Wally and Water Sally when they brought water to Terry who was trapped in the dry pond. With the help of their friends, the pond has been filled to the brim with water and they were able to save Terry. After reading the story, we learnt about how climate change affects our weather and most importantly our water supply will be affected due to low supply and dry weather. With that, we take turns to be water heroes to remind ourselves and our friends to save water.

We also learnt and do experiments about water filtration, where we learnt on how our water is being recycled and was reminded on how important water is. This water filters will be use in our planting activity.

We started planting using our “water filtered pot” recycled from plastic bottles, to reuse the water that we will be using as we take care and water our plants everyday so as to help our green Gaia to stay green and save water at the same time. This plant will be used to cook healthy soups for our teachers and ourselves as well to keep us strong and healthy. 

Lastly, we would like to thank our partners and stakeholders for helping us to fulfill this project through providing us resources and inculcating in children and with the whole family the importance of saving water. 

“No one can do everything, but everyone can do something”

With little act of us, we can make our dream work. Remember, our class favourite quote, “teamwork makes a dream work.”

We look forward to another year of participating in the SSDB.

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